• About GATE

    GATE is an international advocacy organization working towards justice and equality for trans, gender diverse and intersex communities.

    Rooted in our movements, we work collaboratively with strategic partners at the global level to provide knowledge, resources and access to UN mechanisms and bodies. We give voice to and empower communities affected by issues of gender identity, sex characteristics and bodily diversity by creating critical knowledge, providing organizational resources and forging connections with UN bodies, networks and key organizations. 

    GATE envisions  a world free from human rights violations based on gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics. 

    Our strategy is to transform the landscape of global advocacy, knowledge creation and resource distribution through critical inclusion of trans, gender diverse and intersex movements at all levels of political, legal and socio-economic processes.

    GATE eLearning Institute

    GATE eLearning Institute provides open-access courses designed to provide capacity-building training for trans, gender diverse and intersex organizations across the globe. The aim is to increase the capacity of trans, gender diverse and intersex organizations and activists to effectively engage in organizational development and movement building. Currently, all trainings are offered in English only. 

Available courses

Develop or boost your TGDI-led organization by reflecting on its vision, strategy and engagement. Improve and enhance your organization’s overall effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability.

Topics include developing your organization, creating a bullet-proof strategic plan, undertaking an organization assessment and having a plan to surpass challenges along the way.

By the end of this training, you will have a better understanding of what it means to develop and boost an organization, answering the questions of why you envision it, what it will achieve and how to fulfill its mission.

Learn about trans and gender diversity in your context and around the world, from basic terminology to community challenges and priorities and the support you can provide.

Topics include understanding the basics of gender diversity, exploring historical and cultural contexts around the world, identifying the needs and priorities of trans and gender diverse communities, and reflecting on strategies for community support and strong allyship.

By the end of this training, you will have a better understanding of the community needs and priorities of trans and gender diverse people around the world, as well as concrete recommendations on how to be an ally.

Analyze and develop a wide range of safety, security and wellbeing techniques for trans activists and organizations to implement in the development of an organizational safety, security and wellbeing plan. 

Topics include reflecting on structural violence, the meaning of safety and feminist self-care and examining digital security techniques. 

By the end of this training, you will be able to create an organizational and/or individual safety, security and wellbeing plan for activists.

Understand, gather and develop organizational materials to create effective grant proposals for funding applications. Master the different steps in developing a successful grant proposal.

Topics include introducing your work to the funder, writing a proposal narrative, creating a budget and making the final case for funding. 

By the end of this training, you will be able to create a unique, strong grant proposal and grant budget.

Develop and implement a community-based assessment to identify, document and justify the needs of trans and gender diverse communities in the national HIV response.

Topics include examining the importance of community empowerment, analyzing data to set priorities and generate recommendations and identifying key stakeholders to advocate for change.

By the end of this training, you will have the elements to conduct a community needs assessment.

Examine and utilize community-led monitoring techniques for national trans organizations to act as watchdogs in the implementation of country level HIV responses.

Topics include examining accountability and community-led monitoring (CLM), understanding funding programming cycles, and investigating and applying monitoring and funding tools.

By the end of this training, you will have the elements to develop an organizational action plan for HIV community-led monitoring.

Develop organizational HIV advocacy plans for trans and gender diverse communities and people living with HIV.

Topics include structuring an advocacy plan, identifying the problem and target audience to be addressed, constructing advocacy messages and developing supporting materials to implement the advocacy plan on an ongoing basis.

By the end of this course, you will have the elements to develop a successful organizational advocacy plan.

Examine community-based best practices to justify and advocate for meaningful trans and gender diverse inclusion in the development of HIV National Strategic Plans.

Topics include examining the importance of National Strategic Plans (NSPs), reviewing resources to aid in engagement, and strategies to increase trans and gender diverse meaningful inclusion.

By the end of this training, you will have developed skills to identify processes to engage meaningfully with during National Strategic Planning development.

This course is offered by REDRESS, which granted GATE the permission to share this training with our communities, as we believe it will be extremely beneficial. 

If you or your organization want to know more about How to Investigate LGBTIQ+ Torture Effectively this is the training for you!

Приветствуем Вас на тренинге GATE и GNP+ по адвокации ВИЧ!

Это – доступный в открытом доступе курс, созданный специально, чтобы помочь транс*, гендерно многообразным и интерсекс-организациям в написании адвокационного плана организации.

Приветствуем Вас на тренинге GATE по проведению мониторинга силами сообществ в сфере ВИЧ!

Данный курс находится в свободном доступе и направлен на выработку компетенций транс* активисто_к и активисто_к с разнообразной гендерной самоидентификацией по осуществлению надзора за принятием мер по борьбе с ВИЧ на национальном уровне. Надзор в этой связи осуществляется посредством мониторинга реализации национальных программ по борьбе ВИЧ, а также связанных с ними расходов.

В частности, целями данного курса являются:

  • Выработать знания и практические навыки в области осуществления надзорных функций среди активисто_к и организаций, работающих с транс* людьми, людьми с разнообразной гендерной самоидентификацией и интерсекс-людьми

  • Привести примеры эффективных методик и соответствующих тематических исследований

  • Предоставить обзор ключевых принципов мониторинга реализации программ по борьбе с ВИЧ

  • Предоставить рекомендации относительно возможных мер по планированию бюджета и подходов к будущей деятельности.

Хотя данный тренинг ориентирован на транс* сообщества, изученный материал будет возможно применить и в отношении других ключевых групп населения.